In Our Community: Soldiers Angels
This past week we celebrated Veteran’s Day. Who deserves more of our gratefulness than these amazing men and women? So much of what we ALL have to be grateful for is a result of their sacrifices — freedom of speech, freedom of religion; freedom of the press; freedom of assembly; freedom to petition…our Bill of Rights!
I’m blessed to be associated with a great organization Soldiers Angels: www.soldiersangels.org.
Their mission is to provide aid, comfort, and resources to the military, veterans, and their families. And that’s key to remember — one veteran represents so much more than just him- or herself. There are the active military, the vets, and all the families and communities they are part of.
I get to write for Soldiers Angels and help with specific programs they are putting on. As I have written on a myriad of topics, they have asked me to research and write on, my admiration for this organization has grown exponentially. And I, too, have grown in my respect and appreciation for all those who have served.
Further, there is so much more to consider when thinking about all they do-
– They serve so, willingly
– They are willing to risk their lives each and every day for us
– Their families and loved ones sacrifice right along with them
– They make great role models
– They are amazing workers for business when they return home
– They have significant upside to being excellent leaders
– They appreciate freedom and our country in such a way that no civilian ever will
Most importantly… they do what they do so that none of us ever have to!
This is American Privilege — what an honor to be blessed with these men, women, and their families! The Marines have a great motto: Semper Fidelis or “Sempre Fi” for short. It epitomizes every branch of the military. It means “ALWAYS FAITHFUL”! Faithful to this great country of ours!
Today, let me challenge you to say a short prayer of gratefulness for them!
May God bless them all!