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The Board’s Role in the Transformation of Work

Never has the need to align talent strategy with a corporation’s business strategy been more important. The pandemic turned all past practices and “best practices” on their head, with everyone questioning how, when, where, and why we work. Today’s worker is radically different. Couple that critical dynamic with rapid technological advancement and the volatility around all types of external disrupters, and boards now play an incredible role where talent, skills, and sustainability are concerned. And even though most boards do not involve themselves with anyone but the CEO and their direct reports, the tone is still set at the top.

The best way to envision this is, in a company, as in an orchestra, the tone at the top is critical. Well-rounded and soulful, it guides the people towards an agreed-upon goal, cajoling and stretching their ability along the way… making for wonderful “music” or, in the case of a company, great shareholder results.

Time to reset the “music.”

This article is from NACD and Jim Deloach. It discusses, in detail, the board’s role concerning work transformation.