Brent Longnecker has over 38 years of experience in strategy governance and remuneration consulting for public, private, and not-for-profit organizations. Mr. Longnecker built one of the country’s leading, privately-held executive management consultancies, serving both domestic and international markets, with additional corporate litigation support in which he has provided expert witness testimony for over 100 compensation-related cases. For over three decades, he has consulted with a wide variety of companies in multiple industries. In addition, he has authored or contributed to books on compensation, governance, and human resource. Mr. Longnecker has authored and/or been featured in more than 800 articles nationwide, and Consulting Magazine selected Mr. Longnecker as one of the Top 25 consultants in the U.S. For ten years in a row, Longnecker & Associates was named one of the Best Companies to Work for in Texas. Out of the 100 companies given this distinction, L&A took the number one spot multiple times. He has both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Houston.
the Only source of knowledge is experience.
Albert EinsteinLeadership Summary
Mr. Longnecker has over 36 years of leadership experience from both a board of director and operating executive perspective. In these roles, his responsibilities have included:
- Analysis, design, and implementation of innovative performance, governance enhancement, and cost savings programs
- Establishment of broad policies and objectives to assist in governing organizations, inclusive of by-laws and charters
- Assistance in selecting, compensating, mentoring, supporting, and reviewing the performance of boards, CEOs, and key executives
- Ensuring the availability of adequate resources – inclusive of capital, technology, and people
- Assisting in negotiating rebates from professional service firms who have overcharged
- Assistance with, and in some cases, the approval of annual budgets
- Collaboration with outside advisors, including but not limited to accounting, tax, legal, human resources, and strategy
- Accountable to stakeholders for organizational performance and long-term viability
- Taking companies public
Mr. Longnecker has deep expertise in energy, healthcare, real estate, and financial companies. He regularly consults with Boards of Directors, CEOs, key executives, and advisors of all major industries addressing a wide range of operational, governance, organizational, strategic, and ethical business issues.
Mr. Longnecker has served as an outside director for public and private companies.
Genprex, Inc. | Compensation and Governance Committees – Chairman; Audit Committee True Velocity | Board Member
LL12 Foundation | Chairman
Dimar Valve & Tools | Executor & Trustee
True Velocity | Board Member
Fifth Corner | Fund II Advisor
Arbitrade | Compensation Committee – Chairman
Pura Vida Spirits | Compensation Committee – Chairman Rosehill Christian School | Board of Directors
AmReit | Compensation Committee – Chairman, Governance Committee – Member Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Houston) | Board Member
ATP Oil & Gas | Audit Committee – Member ReitPlus | Audit Committee
Skyauction.com | Compensation Committee – Chairman
The Strategy Factory | Compensation Committee – Chairman
National Association of Corporate Directors – Texas Tri-Cities Chapter (Houston, Austin, San Antonio) | Advisory Board Member
Northland Christian School | Board Member
While serving on audit, compensation, and governance committees, Mr. Longnecker is/was responsible for:
- Overseeing the financial reporting, proxy, and disclosure process
- Overseeing performance, hiring, and independence of outside auditors and consultants
- Oversight of regulatory compliance, governance, ethics, and whistleblower hotlines
- Monitoring and evaluating the internal processes
- Discussing risk management policies and practices with management and outside advisors
- Assessing the board’s composition and identifying missing qualities and/or characteristics
Finally, Mr. Longnecker regularly attends continuing education courses offered at Harvard and NACD to understand the ever-changing fiduciary responsibilities of corporate board members.
Mr. Longnecker’s extensive experience includes:
- Executive compensation and corporate governance consulting
- Compensation and human resources planning regarding mergers, acquisitions, initial public offers (IPOs), leveraged buyouts (LBOs), and spin-offs
- Analysis and design of compensation programs for directors, executives, and employees for various industries worldwide
- Coaching/mentoring compensation committees and senior executives
- Strategic planning in corporate human resources, ethics, and operational issues
- Human resource department audits, reengineering, and outsourcing
- Performance/productivity-enhancement analysis and training
- International human resources consulting for expatriates, third-country nationals, and nationals, including work with non-
U.S. firms invested in the U.S
- Ethics planning, corporate governance; analysis and training
- Investment banking fee analysis and design
- Corporate defense against unreasonable compensation allegations, typically raised by:
- Shareholders/Stakeholders
- The Internal Revenue Service
- Government regulators (OTS, DCAA, PUC, FDIC, FHLBB, SEC)
- Employment contract negotiations, mediation, and arbitration
- Special emphasis on start-ups and turnarounds
Mr. Longnecker’s considerable “expert witness” experience for both plaintiffs and defendants include:
- Significant deposition and trial testimony
- Wrongful discharge or pay inequity
- Estate planning compensation
- Government defense contractor compensation
- Wrongful death
- Bankruptcy compensation
- Golden parachute/severance
- Employment contract disputes
- Non-compete agreements
- Board of Directorships
- IRS Reasonable Compensation (R&D and 162)
Mr. Longnecker has also worked closely with government agencies, including The Department of Labor, The Department of Justice, The Federal Bureau of Investigations, and the Criminal Investigate arm of the IRS.
Approximately 9% of Mr. Longnecker’s work over the last 36 years has been litigation support. The remaining 92% – approximately 6,100 clients and counting – has been proactive consulting. Whether litigation or proactive, Mr. Longnecker and his team approach the same processes and methodologies throughout.
Master of Business Administration, University of Houston, August 1979
- Areas of concentration: Management, Human Resources
Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Houston, December 1977
- Areas of concentration: Marketing, Finance
- Selected for Beta Gamma Sigma, the National Business Honor Society
- Continuing education at Harvard in Board Governance under Professor Jay Lorsch and Christian Palepu
- NACD Governance Fellow
UH Cougar 100
- In 2019, Mr. Longnecker and Longnecker & Associates were selected as one of the University of Houston’s Cougar 100, recognizing the most successful Cougar-owned companies
Texas Monthly Magazine
- Mr. Longnecker’s firm, Longnecker & Associates, has been selected as one of the “Best Companies to Work for in Texas,” Since 2011 – 10 consecutive years
Houston Business Journal
- In 2018, Longnecker & Associates was named one of the Fastest Growing Companies in HBJ’s “Fast 100 List”
- Longnecker & Associates received in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2017 the “Best Places to Work” award by The Houston Business Journal and ranked among the Top 10 the first three years
- Houston’s Best & Brightest Companies to Work For 2014, 2019, and 2020
Consulting Magazine
- Fastest Growing Firms, 2017 and 2018
- Mr. Longnecker has also been designated as one of the Top 25 Consultants in the U.S
- In 2016, Longnecker & Associates was recognized by Forbes as one of “America’s Best Management Consulting Firms”
H Texas Magazine
- Mr. Longnecker was named one of the Top Professionals in Houston for 2012 – 2016; 5 straight years
Texas Lawyer Magazine
- In 2009, Longnecker & Associates was listed as one of the Top Experts in Texas’ Top 10 Settlements for 2009
- In 2004, Mr. Longnecker served on a Blue-Ribbon Commission that dealt with expensing stock options.
- In 2003, Mr. Longnecker served on a special task force to address HR issues presented by Congress and other regulatory commissions.
- From 2001- to the present, because of being considered one of the top equity experts in the United States, Mr. Longnecker has filled the role of Technical Advisor on the equity-oriented course – T11. He is thus responsible for ensuring technical detail is correct in this course and other related courses. In addition, he created an advanced course and authored revised editions of two WorldatWork best-selling books on equity.
- In 2001, Mr. Longnecker served on WorldatWork’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Ethics for Human Resource professionals across the globe.
Department of Labor (DOL)
- In 2000, Mr. Longnecker was referred to the Department of Labor (DOL) as one of the top executive compensation professionals in the United States. He and a select group of practitioners were interviewed by the DOL as special advisory experts to the Federal Economic Statistical Advisory Committee (FESAC) on “valuing long-term incentives.” He continues to assist them and other government agencies in this important area.
1 Reputation
- Mr. Longnecker – Co-Founder, CEO
- Located in Houston, Texas, 1 Reputation, LLC, founded in 2021, is an independent advisory firm specializing in providing independent and well-researched strategic review and consultation to companies, boards, and executives that assists them in making performance-enhancing and justifiable compensation decisions that are in the best interest of shareholders
- Review and provide consultation on matters related directly or indirectly to strategic executive compensation and corporate governance, primarily at the Board level
- Provide litigation support services which include expert opinion, reporting, and testimony on matters involving executive compensation at all levels
Longnecker & Associates (7/2021 – 3/2022)
- Mr. Longnecker, Technical Advisor of NFPCC (formerly Longnecker & Associates); Longnecker & Associates was sold to NFP in 2018.
- Mr. Longnecker maintained an active role as the Technical Advisor for NFPCC and assisted in multiple areas that required his technical expertise in their transition through NFPCC.
- He continues to lead the field in providing high-quality human resources, executive compensation, and corporate governance consulting services.
- His primary mission is to create sound fiduciary solutions for key clients’ companies and assist other staff in retaining executives, bolstering shareholder value, and reflecting premier corporate governance practices.
Longnecker & Associates (2003 – 2021)
- Mr. Longnecker, Chairman & CEO of Longnecker & Associates, leads the field in providing high-quality human resources, executive compensation, and corporate governance consulting services.
- His primary mission is to create sound fiduciary solutions for companies that attract and retain executives, bolster shareholder value, and reflect premier corporate governance practices.
- Located in Houston, Texas, Longnecker & Associates is a specialized executive compensation and corporate governance consulting firm founded in 2003.
Resource Consulting Group (Spin-off of Deloitte)
- Mr. Longnecker was asked by the Board of Deloitte, Evercore, and others to be the #2 executive at a spin-off opportunity for Deloitte
- As President of Resources Consulting Group and Executive Vice President of Resources Connection, Brent Longnecker participated in the management-led buyout of the Company from Deloitte & Touche
- He was responsible for directing broad strategic and operating corporate activities toward achieving corporate objectives in accordance with policies established by the Chief Executive Officer
- He was also primarily responsible for developing the Human Capital Solutions Group service line and consulting
Deloitte & Touche
- National Principal-In-Charge for the Performance Management Compensation Consulting Practice
- Principal-In-Charge of the Human Resource Strategies Group (Performance Management & Compensation, Learning & Development, Organizational Performance and Communication for the Mid-American Region)
He and his team also received many operational awards including:
- Best Operating Office
- Best Service Line
- Best Service Line Group
- Top Design and Marketing Award for creation and trademark of KEYSOP™ (Key Employee Security Option Plan™)
KPMG Peat Marwick
- Regional Partner-In-Charge for Performance Management & Compensation
- Prior to Deloitte & Touche, Mr. Longnecker engaged in the practice of compensation, human resources, and benefits consulting as a Regional Partner with KPMG Peat Marwick
Mr. Longnecker has been an owner/operator/director of several firms, including an NASD broker-dealer, a financial planning firm, and a real estate development firm. Lastly, he has worked as a professional manager in the areas of human resources, compensation, training and development, and benefits for two energy companies.
All In®
America’s Top Guns®
Discounted Employee Security Option Program™/DESOP™
Focus Forward®
Generally Accepted Compensation Principles®/GACP®
Job Evaluation Matrix™/JEM™
Job Ranking & Classification™/JR&C™
Key Employee Security Option Program™/KEYSOP™
Live Life®
Longnecker & Associates®
Longnecker Compensation Scorecard™
Longnecker Independence Process™
Longnecker Percentile Identification Matrix/LPIM®
LTI Decision Tree™
Pay for Performance Index™
Purpose Positive®
Reasonable and Optics Quadrant Test™
Relational Customization®
SVC Comp Modeling System®/SVC®
Texas Top Guns®
Texas’ Sharpshooters™
Total Consulting™
Turning Carrots into Karats®
Valuation Data Analysis™
Value Generator®
Value Maintainer®
Weapons of Mass Excess®/WME®
- The third edition of “The Power of Restricted Stock”
- “The Power of Restricted Stock.” The Definitive Guide to a Resurging Long-Term Incentive. WorldatWork, 2013, 2006, and 2004 editions, co-author Chris Crawford
- “Stock Option Alternatives.” A Strategic and Technical Guide of Long-Term Incentives, WorldatWork 2006 and 2003 editions
- “Rethinking Strategic Compensation.” CCH 2006 and 2004 editions “HR-How to Strategy,” CCH 2003, Contributing Author
- “A Practitioners Guide to Stock Option Plan Administration,” WorldatWork 2002
- “Board of Director Executive Compensation Summary,” co-author John Nash, 1993
- Deloitte & Touche’s Executive Compensation Catalog – 1996, key contributor. “The Future of the HR Profession,” SHRM, 2002
- Brent was one of the advisors from the top eight consulting firms to take Phase One of this Three Phase study conducted by SHRM
- “Equity at Work – Constructing a Broad-based Stock Option Plan,” WorldatWork, 2002. As a technical reviewer, Brent assisted in the writing, reviewing and editing in this publication
- Business, The Bible and You, 1993
- Miracles in Our Midst: Proof Positive God Is Among Us, 1993
- Compensation Analyst Credential (CAC)
- Certified Benefits Professional (CBP)
- Compensation Committee Certification (CCC)
- Certified Compensation Professional (CCP)
- Global Remuneration Professional (GRP)
- Certified Executive Compensation Professional (CECP)
- Certified Positive Psychology Coach
- Certified Enneagram Coach
- Certified Executive Coach (CEC)
- Certified Life Coach (CLC)
Awarded additional certificates of proficiency by WorldatWork in:
- Executive Compensation
- Base Salary Administration
- Benefits Administration
National Association of Corporate Directors, Board Fellow, and Member
Soldiers’ Angels, Author – articles authored:
- The Power of Encouragement for our Military
- Respite Care in our Armed Forces
- The Heart of a Servant
- The United States National Guard and Reservists
- Transition from Military to Civilian Life
WorldatWork, Faculty Member – classes taught and developed:
- Total Compensation Management
- Executive Compensation
- Advanced Executive Compensation
- Alternative Rewards
- Equity Rewards (designed course)
Center for Professional Education (CPE), Past Instructor – classes taught:
- Introduction to Compensation and Benefits
- Executive Compensation (developed this course)
- Outsourcing (developed this course)
Classes developed:
- Ethics
- Reengineering
- Performance Measurement
- Benefit Program Compliance
- The Hiring Decision
Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS), Past Instructor – classes taught:
- Management and Human Resources
- Compensation Management
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